The Clapham Train Accident: Causes, Context and the Corporate Memory Challenge

Clapham was a pivotal point in British railway history. Much technology had been invented and applied to accident prevention by 1988; much more was to come. The Clapham Train Accident considers Clapham in its wider context, using official reports and expert interviews to describe both the causes and the terrible effects. It looks beyond the railway to the external factors acting not only on British Rail, but also the government of the time, and considers the safety improvements that came about as a result.

Finally, the book brings the story up to date and looks at why the lessons learned over thirty years ago still need to be retained in an industry where the baton of safety is all-too-easily dropped during re-organisation, re-branding and after the departure of those who lived through darker days to make ours shine more brightly.

The Clapham Train Accident acts as a cautionary tale for safety practitioners old and new, not just in rail, but also other safety critical industries. It will help readers think actions through to all consequences, helping them too to make safer decisions, particularly when changing a system, technology or method of working.

The publisher was unable to accommodate the book's full bibliography, but you can download it here.

A serious read on matters not often brought to our notice  [5 stars] 

This is a major study of a vital topic, confidently addressed by a safety expert. 
Railway Observer