Under-maintained and over-worked during the Second World War, Britain’s railways emerged from the conflict carrying a ‘poor bag of physical assets’. Yet the new government of 1945 saw a need to bring the nation’s great industries into public ownership – a move that saw the creation of a single railway network three years later. At first, it seemed like ‘business as usual’, but as the 1950s dawned and BR’s deficit grew deeper, it was clear that costs needed to be cut wherever possible. And that meant modernisation.
Published at the very end of 1954, the so-called Modernisation Plan would see the ordering of over 170 diesel locomotives and the launch of a bold plan to electrify much of the West Coast Main Line. The downside for enthusiasts and traditionalists was the beginning of the end for steam, though the path to modernisation would not run smooth; neither would it come cheap.
The Fifties Railway explores this important decade, which ended much as it had begun – with a new government seeking ways to save money. Doctor Beeching was on his way.
A good selection of period images and artwork depicting this transitional period accompanies the thought-provoking text in this latest addition to the Britain's Heritage series. Morse continues to do a great job introducing us succinctly to the different eras of British railway history...
Best of British
This book covers exactly what it says on the cover...the book is well written and will be a great guide to anyone interested in the 1950's British Railways.
Model Railway Express